Cody's FAQ Page

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  1. General
    1. What breed are you?
    2. Why the name Cody?
    3. Where do you live?
  2. This Site
    1. Who did this site?
    2. Why is it blue?
    3. How do I get in touch with you?
    4. How do I get in touch with James?
    5. How do I get in touch with your mummy?
    6. How do I get in touch with Karla?
  3. Tricks
    1. Do you know how to sit?
    2. What about playing dead?
    3. Is the dancing trick the same as the humpy dance?
    4. What is the humpy dance?

1.i. What breed are you?

I'm a West Highland White Terrier.

1.ii. Why the name Cody?

My daddy is a big geek of a programmer. There's a series of awards called the "Codies," for software excellence. He wanted to name me something to do with programming, and since there was just one of me, Cody it was.

1.iii. Where do you live?

With my mummy, daddy and my big sister Karla, in the city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

2.i. Who did this site?

My daddy, James.

2.ii. Why is it blue?

Daddy likes blue. I like blue too.

2.iii. How do I get in touch with you?

My personal email is no longer available, but you can try contacting my daddy, James.

2.iv. How do I get in touch with James?

Same way, by email.

2.v. How do I get in touch with your mummy?

By email, like daddy. How do I get in touch with Karla?

She doesn't have email yet. But you can get in touch with her agent, mummy.

3.i. Do you know how to sit?

The real question is, would I want to? What's in it for me?

3.ii. What about playing dead?

You play dead, then I'll sniff at your ears and tickle them with my whiskers.

3.iii. Is the dancing trick the same as the humpy dance?

No, not at all. The dancing trick is where I stand on my hind legs and dance around a bit. It's usually because I want food, but I'll occasionally do it on my own. See 3.iv for a description of the humpy dance.

3.iv. What is the humpy dance?

The humpy dance is where I hump the air, and move along the ground like an inch worm. Mummy and daddy laugh at me when I do it, but I don't know why. I only do it because I'm excited.